Monday 8 September 2014

Kejujuran Itu Indah

Sifat jujur dapat difahami juga sebagai sifat ikhlas, suci hati dan tulus ikhlas dalam perbuatan dan percakapan. Selain itu, jujur juga adalah sifat lurus dan keikhlasan hati dalam semua percakapan, perbuatan dan aktiviti yang dilakukan. Pendek kata, sifat jujur datangnya daripada hati. Sukar sekali untuk mencari orang yang bersifat jujur pada masa kini. Walaupun ada, tetapi pengaruh wang dan kebendaan menjadikan manusia sudah mulai melupakan kejujuran. Jujur mempunyai pengertian yang besar dalam Islam. Ia adalah sebahagian daripada iman. Sebab itu, seorang yang tidak mempunyai sifat jujur adalah orang yang nipis imannya. Ini disebabkan iman dan sifat jujur berjalan seiring. Jika salah satu diabaikan, maka kedua-duanya akan hilang. 

Daripada Abu Hurairah Nabi SAW bersabda :

"Tunaikan amanat kepada orang yang memberi amanah kepada engkau dan janganlah kamu mengkhianati orang yang mengkhianati orang." - Riwayat Abu Daud dan al-Tirmizi.

Lantaran itu, sifat jujur perlu ada pada diri setiap Muslim, melalui sifat ini ia akan menjadi perisai kepada orang beriman. Sifat jujur perlu dididik dalam hati sejak seseorang itu masih kecil lagi. Didikan dan bimbingan yang berterusan akan menjadikan seseorang itu sentiasa jujur dan menuju kepada kesolehan.

Nabi S.A.W bersabda :

                "Sesungguhnya Allah SWT tidak memandang segak tubuhmu dan tidak pula pada kedudukan mahupun harta kekayaanmu, tetapi Allah memandang pada hatimu. Barang siapa memiliki hati yang soleh maka Allah menyukainya. Bani Adam yang paling dicintai Allah ialah yang paling bertakwa." - Rriwayat Ath-Thabrani dan Muslim.

Saturday 8 June 2013

The Worlds Best Protein Sources

There are a ton of great proteins available and if you ask 10 different people what the BEST source of protein is, you’ll likely get 10 different answers.  But before we talk about the BEST protein sources, why does it even matter? The data continue to mound for the benefits of protein, with the majority now supporting a consistent intake throughout the day whether you’re trying to lose fat or gain muscle.  We’d argue that protein timing, meaning the frequency of intake throughout the day, trumps total protein intake (tweet this).
The majority of people eat very little protein for breakfast and lunch, then load up at dinner.  Instead, a better approach would be to spread that same total amount throughout the day. For example, if someone ate 90 total grams of protein in a day, it would be better to have a few meals with 15-30 grams of protein each than just 1 protein heavy dinner and little throughout the rest of the day. The reason is protein helps fill you, it helps your muscles repair and recover from exercise, and quality proteins, like the worlds best sources of protein listed below, provide the important amino acids we all need to function optimally.
That being said, we now present to you:
1.         Whole eggs.  While these are in no particular order, if there was a #1, whole eggs could arguably top the list.  For the price and quality, it’s hard to find a comparable source of high quality protein out there.  And whole eggs is key - while the whites do have some protein, too, you get even more in the yolk, along with a whole slew of other great for you nutrients. Therefore, we put our vote in for whole Eggs are the world best protein source.
2.         Wild salmon.  Wild salmon is loaded with protein.  With around 7 grams per ounce, it’s fats, which are one of the most important nutrients you should eat more of.  We’ve often said with animal based proteins, the less legs the better - which means fish are at the top of the list.  Yes, yes, octopus and some others are exceptions - in general, stick to that rule of thumb when thinking animal/fish protein. 
3.         Cottage cheese.  This one is super popular in the Mohr House - though Kara took a little longer to come around to it, the protein packed goodness (16 grams for just 1/2 cup) was hard to resist and she’s now a big fan.   I tried something the other day to get away from the basic cottage cheese and fruit - a couple spoonfuls on a Wasa crisp, some cracked black pepper and chopped jalapeno.  Awesome!  It’s a perfect snack ..and if you can’t get over the curds, trying blending it in a smoothie or just blending it with a little fruit.  We’ve even added a spoonful to spaghetti (poor man lasagna), oatmeal, pancake batter.. or, if you’re like me, by the spoonful out of the container.  Mangia! 
4.         Beef.  It’s hard to knock the quality protein in beef.  It’s loaded with quality amino acids (building blocks of protein), zinc, iron, magnesium and plenty of other important nutrients.  Stick with some of the leaner cuts like eye of round roast or steak, sirloin tip side steak, sirloin steak, or flank steaks.  And it doesn’t have to just be a steak or a burger, try making fajitas with beef or top a salad with sliced flank.  It’s good, good stuff.
5.         Greek yogurt.  At around 16 grams per cup, this is a no brainer.  Greek yogurt came fast and furious on the scene in the US - with basically zero percent market share five years ago to almost 50% to date.  And for good reason.  With double the protein of "regular" yogurt and half the sugar, it’s a great choice for a snack or even a meal when you mix something with a bit of substance - nuts, fruit, etc.
6.         Sardines.  We listed these as one of the best foods you're not eating in our blog the other day.  They’re loaded with protein, but also omega-3 fats and vitamin D, yet low in contaminants that unfortunately permeate our seafood today.
7.         Whey protein.  I was told in school that protein supplements created expensive urine.  Good thing I always questioned what I learned because that couldn’t be further from the truth. Whey protein is loaded with amino acids, particularly some key aminos called branched chain amino acids, that may specifically aid in recovery and muscle repair.  But, honestly, while we can talk about the science with whey ’till we’re blue in the head, it comes down to convenience.  Making a smoothie with a little fruit, maybe some veggies and a handful of nuts is a fantastic meal or snack.  It’s quick.  It’s easy.  It’s convenient.  And at around $2 - $3 per 20 grams of protein, it’s high on our list of the best protein sources in the world.
8.         Poultry (chicken, turkey, etc).  Remember from above - the less legs the better?  Well, these buggers have 2 legs each, so they’re high on the list.  We roast a whole chicken at least once per week to have for dinner and have a convenient, quality lunch option for the next day or two.  Short on time?  Pick up an already cooked rotisserie chicken from your local grocery store.  This one is a no brainer.  Same with turkey - don’t just save this one for Thanksgiving Day, we’ll often get a boneless turkey breast at the grocery store and roast that on a Sunday for us and the girls to snack on during the week.
9.         Nuts.  OK, OK, so these aren’t the highest source of amino acids - in fact, they’re a bit limited.  BUT, their convenience helped them make the list of worlds best protein sources.  They’re a perfect snack, portable and not perishable.  That means you can forget about them in your desk, gym bag or locker and when you find them a month later, they’ll still taste fantastic.  They’re also a great source of loads of vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and fiber.  Eat up!
10.        Quinoa.  Another vegetarian based protein, but unlike nuts, this one is a complete protein, meaning it has all the essential amino acids.  SCORE!  WIN if you’re a vegetarian.  WIN if you’re not.  I’d call that a "win win" for packing in a serious nutrient punch.  We made some the other night, in fact - cooked it in chicken broth, added a handful of toasted almond, some fresh herbs and some raisins.  This was a side with chicken breast and some Brussels sprouts. 
Can you do us a huge favor and click the like button below because that will help us share this information with all your friends and family on Facebook, too. 

Friday 25 January 2013

National Parks Nature .. really beautiful or not?

Many things, that we do not take care about how important forests as national parks for future generations so that they can recognize and learn the natural cycle. The environment is an invaluable gift to the well-being of life. Humans depends on the natural resources of the earth. God has created the universe and to the prosperity munusia balanced. Wide earth turned into human dwellings, mountains as cookers earth, plants as a source of food and medicine to life, as is the wide range of animals and creatures in the ocean. Uncontaminated environment gives us a comfortable and cozy atmosphere. In addition to providing comfort to humans, it is also to some extent be affected by the activities of the development environment in the country if we do not properly cared for.

Clean environment allows us to breathe fresh air. Favors clean air is very valuable to human life. Fresh and clean area is usually filled with green plants. Plants release oxygen into the air and allows our body to get enough oxygen. Air in our environment cleaner and fresher also allows us to enjoy comfort. We would feel comfortable if there is no interference in our environment. Hot and dry weather caused by the temperature rise is inevitable and allow us to live in good weather conditions. Through a fresh and comfortable environment as well, people can do outdoor activities and play without interference can cause musty feeling angry and uncomfortable. The activity of leisure conducted in a clean condition will improve our health.

In addition, planting trees should be well organized from time to time. Planting green plants not only provide a cool and comfortable environment, but also serves to stabilize the temperature of the surroundings. Planting trees is also aimed at reducing the effects of global warming through the absorption of carbon dioxide. Finally, global pemanansan control and will be able to stabilize the ecosystem environment. Care environmental resources such as trees will be able to contain a variety of problems, for example forest soil erosion and flood control. Forests also become one of our country's economy.

Environmental clean setikar also avoid breeding insects that can carry disease. Clean environment to prevent animals such as flies, mosquitoes and rats from breeding and spreading disease to humans, such as malaria, dengue fever, cholera and plague. This situation also protect us from contaminated food by vector-vector of the disease and thus, the problem of food poisoning can be avoided. Disruption of insects in the house can also be avoided if the environment clean. Clean environment to reduce the breeding of insects such as mosquitoes, flies, and other insects that are in the house. Without insects, we can rest comfortably at home at any time. In addition, a clean environment also avoid odor contamination that may interfere with the comfort of our lives.

In addition, water is a natural resource that is very important in human life. Water is needed by the human body so that man could live survive several days without food, water. Our body contains about 70% water. If the loss of water, it will cause us to lose energy. Water is not only important to humans but also to other living things such as animals and plants also need water. Pure and clean water is a generator of life on earth. Because water is an important element in human life, society should join hands in safeguarding and preserving clean water and especially to protect the security environment from any contamination.

Moreover, the environment is guarded by all walks of life could prevent the extinction of animals and plants. Animals and plants are one source of food for the people. Environmental pollution that is done will cause habitat destruction would cause human consumption will be reduced, for example marine life such as shrimp, fish and the like are a source of food containing protein that can stabilize human health. If we do any marine pollution such as dumping toxic waste into the sea, marine life extinction will occur. Meanwhile, plants also become a source for medicines such as herbs for the patient. Uncontaminated environment allows both land and water habitat protected.

In addition, clean environment will improve the economy. A society that is clean and contains the value of peace will be able to attract the attention of foreign tourists. Foreign tourist arrivals in the country will increase the value of foreign exchange, and this will help advance the development of our economy. In addition, tourist arrivals also boost services sector and the business sector as well as offer employment opportunities to the community. With this, our country's image will be enhanced.

In conclusion, the preservation of the earth should be carried out to ensure the supply of food, health resources to produce drugs, it also serves as a source of beauty, the beauty and tranquility as well as clean air. Therefore, all levels of society should cooperate and assist each other in preserving the environment so that the environment can be improved cleanliness in our lives.

The place is always fun Gunung Mulu National Park in Borneo has a cave the largest and most spectacular in the world. Unique cave network under the Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak, Borneo, holds the record for the largest room (enclosure Sarawak), the greatest of all systems (Clearwater) and widest path (Deer Cave) all chain cave world. Many cave illuminated, and visitors can see a waterfall 180 meters high up in it. Every evening, more than a million bats placed on the cave ceiling, forming a dark cloud impressive.

Thursday 24 January 2013

What is Politics?

On the views and observations that can be interpreted by me is Politics is the art or science of influencing people's beliefs on a civic, or individual level, when there are more than 2 people involved. Modern political discourse focuses on democracy and the relationship between people and politics. The science of government; that part of ethics which has to do with the regulation and government of a nation or state, the preservation of its safety, peace, and prosperity, the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals.

The management of a political party; the conduct and contests of parties with reference to political measures or the administration of public affairs, the advancement of candidates to office, in a bad sense, artful or dishonest management to secure the success of political candidates or parties; political trickery. Political science is the study of governments, public policies and political processes, systems, and political behavior.  Political science subfields include political theory, political philosophy, political ideology,  political economy, policy studies and analysis, comparative politics, international relations, and a host of related fields.  (For a good cross section of the areas of study, see the list of APSA Organized Sections.)  Political scientists use both humanistic and scientific perspectives and tools and a variety of methodological approaches to examine the process, systems, and political dynamics of all countries and regions of the world.

Political science students can gain a versatile set of skills that can be applied in a wide range of exciting careers in federal, state and local governments, law, business, international organizations, nonprofit associations and organizations, campaign management and polling, journalism, precollegiate education, electoral politics, research and university and college teaching. Hopefully all the progress and we have lasting pleasure with the honest and trustworthy leaders to trust people as voters on Election to find a candidate who can actually afford to bring progress and lasting peace without violence and oppression between parties.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Climate of Malaysia

         The rainy season in Malaysia throughout the land at the end of normal occurred by people in Malaysia. All daily activities can only be done on a limited basis during the day or night. I tried to explain briefly Climate of Malaysia. Features climate of Malaysia are uniform temperature, high humidity and abundant rainfall. Winds are generally light. Malaysia which is located in the equatorial doldrum very rare to have a clear sky even in periods of severe drought. Malaysia is also rare to have a few days with no sunshine except during the northeast monsoon season.

          Although the wind in Malaysia is generally light and variable, there are changes in the wind patterns. Based on these changes, four seasons can be distinguished, namely the southwest monsoon, northeast monsoon and inter monsoon two shorter. The southwest monsoon usually begins in the later half of May or early June and ends in September. Prevailing winds are generally southwesterly with poor speeds below 15 knots. The northeast monsoon usually starts in early November and ends in March. During this season, the prevailing winds are from the east or northeast winds of 10 to 20 knots. East coast states of Peninsular Malaysia are more affected by the wind where the velocity can reach 30 knots or more during periods of intense surges of cold air from the north (cold surges).

            During the transition seasons winds are generally light and variable. In both seasons, the equatorial trough across Malaysia. It is worth mentioning here that in the period from April to November, when typhoons frequently develop in the western Pacific and move westwards across the Philippines, southwest winds in the northwest coast of Sabah and Sarawak region is stronger and can reach 20 knots or more. As a country surrounded by the sea, the impact of land and sea breezes on the wind pattern is great especially during days with clear skies. On condition that bright sunny afternoon, the sea breeze winds of 10 to 15 knots often develop and may reach several tens of kilometers into the interior. In clear nights, the reverse process occurs and land breezes are weaker strength can occur in coastal areas.

Saturday 6 October 2012

Prudent Spending (Needs vs. Wants) .. do we wisely?

Everybody wants more money per month do not matter in any way, including the make side income or save money by planning expenses (financial planning) based on their ability. Accordingly to meet the intent and purpose of this e-book is made, then I'll give you some tips and ways to save your money more easily and readily and earn pocket money 'more' that might benefit you.

Identify Needs vs. Wants. Must always give priority to the needs of the shop. As the saying goes, "Measure shirt in your body." Prepare provisions for "emergency buffer" (emergency account). Must always glance ahead and be prepared for any eventuality. Make a decision on how the money SHOULD be spent from the beginning even if record good money flow in. (credit) and outflow (debit) to raise awareness of the importance of the money! Focus on short-term financial goals and long-term. Put a renewed determination in the mind and soul that something realistic to achieve in a practical period of time.

Financial plan in accordance with current income is not income forecasts. Remind yourself of the importance of spending prudently for their own benefit and secure the loving relationships with family and others. Adjust to changes in current or family. Adapt to change / salary loans / scholarships. Set expectations for system storage space and a systematic investment and guaruatte. Recommendations can be identified to help are as follows:

1) Buy goods at wholesale / bulk 2) Buy second hand goods / auction cheap 3) Season Promotion & Megasale 4) Harness & Prepaid iTalk 5) Recycling / Recycle 6) Use plenty Member Card / privilege card 7) Stay active in public places 8) Reduce plenty of entertainment reading 9) eat less at fast food restaurant 10) Cooking & eating at home 11) Plan a trip & save petrol 12) Quit smoking


The fact is there are many more ways to save your money from being wasted. It predicate upon the awareness and careful financial planning. Whatever the case, plan your expenses with rationality. Consider each flow in and out, does it meet the budget and we need every day? Sure you keep the 'savings' at least 10% of your monthly income in place every were islamic profitable investment. If you suffer from a deficit or debt problem, this means a more stringent need to be able to solve your debt with more structured. Do not forget to give alms and charity charity because it is one of the secrets stored in which God will multiply their menginfaqkan provision for them in any way fisabillah property. With all this may hopefully these tips will help you plan your finances better next give a more successful future.

Friday 5 October 2012

Early educational foundation, every society is entitled to proper education. Thought about it ..

Education is derived from the root word meaning preserving culture, and provide training in the form of teaching or moral leadership and intelligence. Means the process of education to change the attitude and conduct of a person in order to finalize the individual. Clearly, education may be defined as a process of continuous cultivation of knowledge to someone. Education in its broadest, general sense is the means through which the aims and habits of a group of people sustain from one generation to the next. Generally, it occurs through any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts.

In its narrow, technical sense, education is the formal process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge,skills,customs and values from one generation to another, e.g. instruction in schools.  Alternative education, also known as non-traditional education or educational alternative, is a broad term that may be used to refer to all forms of education outside of traditional education (for all age groups and levels of education). This may include not only forms of education designed for students with special needs, but also forms of education designed for a general audience and employing alternative educational philosophies and methods.

Systems of schooling involve institutionalized teaching and learning in relation to a curriculum, which itself is established according to a predetermined purpose of the schools in the system. Hj. Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah, or better known as Hamka, one of the figures most influential Islamic education in Indonesia. He defines education as a process that can create good behavior, attitudes are brave and noble character such as humility, patience, respect for elders and others.

Education consists of several stages :
1) Pre-School
2) Primary Education
3) Secondary Education
4) High School