Friday, 25 January 2013

National Parks Nature .. really beautiful or not?

Many things, that we do not take care about how important forests as national parks for future generations so that they can recognize and learn the natural cycle. The environment is an invaluable gift to the well-being of life. Humans depends on the natural resources of the earth. God has created the universe and to the prosperity munusia balanced. Wide earth turned into human dwellings, mountains as cookers earth, plants as a source of food and medicine to life, as is the wide range of animals and creatures in the ocean. Uncontaminated environment gives us a comfortable and cozy atmosphere. In addition to providing comfort to humans, it is also to some extent be affected by the activities of the development environment in the country if we do not properly cared for.

Clean environment allows us to breathe fresh air. Favors clean air is very valuable to human life. Fresh and clean area is usually filled with green plants. Plants release oxygen into the air and allows our body to get enough oxygen. Air in our environment cleaner and fresher also allows us to enjoy comfort. We would feel comfortable if there is no interference in our environment. Hot and dry weather caused by the temperature rise is inevitable and allow us to live in good weather conditions. Through a fresh and comfortable environment as well, people can do outdoor activities and play without interference can cause musty feeling angry and uncomfortable. The activity of leisure conducted in a clean condition will improve our health.

In addition, planting trees should be well organized from time to time. Planting green plants not only provide a cool and comfortable environment, but also serves to stabilize the temperature of the surroundings. Planting trees is also aimed at reducing the effects of global warming through the absorption of carbon dioxide. Finally, global pemanansan control and will be able to stabilize the ecosystem environment. Care environmental resources such as trees will be able to contain a variety of problems, for example forest soil erosion and flood control. Forests also become one of our country's economy.

Environmental clean setikar also avoid breeding insects that can carry disease. Clean environment to prevent animals such as flies, mosquitoes and rats from breeding and spreading disease to humans, such as malaria, dengue fever, cholera and plague. This situation also protect us from contaminated food by vector-vector of the disease and thus, the problem of food poisoning can be avoided. Disruption of insects in the house can also be avoided if the environment clean. Clean environment to reduce the breeding of insects such as mosquitoes, flies, and other insects that are in the house. Without insects, we can rest comfortably at home at any time. In addition, a clean environment also avoid odor contamination that may interfere with the comfort of our lives.

In addition, water is a natural resource that is very important in human life. Water is needed by the human body so that man could live survive several days without food, water. Our body contains about 70% water. If the loss of water, it will cause us to lose energy. Water is not only important to humans but also to other living things such as animals and plants also need water. Pure and clean water is a generator of life on earth. Because water is an important element in human life, society should join hands in safeguarding and preserving clean water and especially to protect the security environment from any contamination.

Moreover, the environment is guarded by all walks of life could prevent the extinction of animals and plants. Animals and plants are one source of food for the people. Environmental pollution that is done will cause habitat destruction would cause human consumption will be reduced, for example marine life such as shrimp, fish and the like are a source of food containing protein that can stabilize human health. If we do any marine pollution such as dumping toxic waste into the sea, marine life extinction will occur. Meanwhile, plants also become a source for medicines such as herbs for the patient. Uncontaminated environment allows both land and water habitat protected.

In addition, clean environment will improve the economy. A society that is clean and contains the value of peace will be able to attract the attention of foreign tourists. Foreign tourist arrivals in the country will increase the value of foreign exchange, and this will help advance the development of our economy. In addition, tourist arrivals also boost services sector and the business sector as well as offer employment opportunities to the community. With this, our country's image will be enhanced.

In conclusion, the preservation of the earth should be carried out to ensure the supply of food, health resources to produce drugs, it also serves as a source of beauty, the beauty and tranquility as well as clean air. Therefore, all levels of society should cooperate and assist each other in preserving the environment so that the environment can be improved cleanliness in our lives.

The place is always fun Gunung Mulu National Park in Borneo has a cave the largest and most spectacular in the world. Unique cave network under the Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak, Borneo, holds the record for the largest room (enclosure Sarawak), the greatest of all systems (Clearwater) and widest path (Deer Cave) all chain cave world. Many cave illuminated, and visitors can see a waterfall 180 meters high up in it. Every evening, more than a million bats placed on the cave ceiling, forming a dark cloud impressive.


  1. Sesungguhnya kita ini adalah hamba yang tidak punya apa-apa selain pinjaman daripada Allah semata mata..terlalu banyak nikmat yang telah Allah kurniakan untuk kesejahteraan kita di alam ini..lantaran itu kita wajar memelihara dan menyayangi bumi ini kerana ia satu anugerah yang boleh di ambil kembali bila bila masa sahaja..

  2. Indeed, we are only able to maintain and take care of but the fact we have to accept it as well, of our own if not guarded. Guarded heritage should be preserved for future generations of our children to come ;-)
