Thursday 4 October 2012

4 Ways to control not over come the feeling ..k.

Anger is a thing that will surely be passed by everyone because it is human nature. The existence of anger inside, you do not have disputed but what is more important is about how do you control it ..

(1) Interest deep breath- Every human being has its own level of anger, it depends on the content of serotonin hormone that is released when you are angry. To control your anger, you need to draw a deep breath because the air will help to reduce the rate of this hormone. And the way he has been clinically proven.

(2) Remind yourself- A person who can not control anger is a person who has no confidence in yourself. This is based on a study done by Steven Stosny which is a PHD holder in the field of human psychology. When you get angry, no one can handle it but yourself. You need to remind yourself about the impact of your anger. Certainly it affects more negative than positive effects.

(3) Think of something that can make you happy, if you are angry and just think about anger, it will surely get worse. You should have to refrain from thinking about it. Just think of something that might give you peace or joy in yourself.

(4) Out of the anger situation- Thinking person is inside a state of anger will become blurred. Do not put yourself directly in the situation as you undoubtedly would make the decision which could cost you later. Try to find a way to get out of the situation in a way that you feel comfortable against him as quiet, out with friends or others.

1 comment:

  1. hot n nice issue..blh dijadikan panduan untuk perbaiki diri..
