Human heart consists of fiber-specific muscle fibers that work to pump blood. When the heart muscle does not get enough blood supply, a person is said to be suffering from heart disease. Possible causes of blood supply to the heart muscle is not enough, because blood vessels become narrow because the inner walls of blood vessels filled fat, especially "cholesterol". Heart disease is described as a feeling of extreme pain in the chest that continued until half an hour, creeping towards the left hand and jaw. Patients may have difficulty breathing and extreme fear.
The real reason for this pain is due to the death of a portion of heart muscle caused by blood vessels in the part blocked. Larger blood vessels are blocked, a heart attack is more dangerous. If the blood vessels are completely closed, part of the heart muscle is damaged. Then, intense chest pain will occur. This condition called "heart attack". The factors are: Lack of exercise, High fat content, Smoke, Sweet Hypertension and Diabetes.